I very often buy small, easy on the purse strings items from Topshop: usually t-shirts or occasionally I feel the need to top up my perfect jeans account. I rarely buy anything big; as in the dresses or the amazing shoes. Sadly I just don't have the money.
Yet I found myself behind the purple curtains of the changing rooms during the ruled routine of poses, saying no to an item that I would usually snap up. Front, side, back: the poses when on and so did my opinion.
I had been looking for the perfect crop top for a while, even before the Isle of Wight festival. This one was good, reasonably priced at £14 (not forgetting that all important student discount), washed black with acid pink spelling out 'New York.' Perfect for my New York/ Sex and the City continuing obsession and very 80s. I'm sure Carrie would approve of this T.
But still I found myself saying no. Am I really out of my wardrobe filling ways already? I thought it would take a lot more weening than this. The shorts were harder to say no to, their retro high waist and rough leg holes: so taunting. 'Rosanna, they are not Levis: you want Levis' I eventually said to myself as I reluctantly placed them back amongst the shorts.
Thinking I had escaped the Topshop trap, I then found myself in the shoe section, lusting after something that I would not usually even contemplate because of the price.

I immediately tried on these Topshop Seanna clogs without thinking. I took one look in the mirror and quickly took them off for fear I would be too tempted. I rarely try on heels because I know I hardly ever wear them and they are so expensive. So why this pair? Have I become more of an investment buyer like I wanted? Or is this just an excuse to justify buying them?
So why do I like these so much? I first remember seeing Chanels spring clogs from which these above and many other designs like them where born from in the March 2010 Vogue. There were on the toes of Alexa Chung accompanying her denim feature. I fell in with their statement black and studded appearance against the soft blues and indigo's of the shoot.

These Topshop copyclogs are the perfect highstreet answer to Chanel, but when thinking about why I like them I found more reasons for why I shouldn't. Firstly, just the name, clog, doesn't sound that chic and when discussing these shoes with a friend: just the mention of this word made her nose wrinkle. Similar to Crocs; its just not good. As I look at them more I can see a resemblance to a pair of flat clog-esc shoes that my Mum has owned for years. I have never been that sure about them but they are excellent as a quick slip on pair to just pop outside in.
Yet after all these negatives, I still want the shoes. The studs add the youthful touch to the grown up appearance and punch away that mumsie feel. A pair of grown up heels to pair with my new wardrobe ethic? Possibly.
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